

2019-01-05    02'27''

主播: loren(劳伦英语)

207 0

中级班十三课:你有负能量 We all have our bad days when we wake up in a terrible mood. 人难免会有不在状态的时候:醒来时心情不好. There's nothing wrong with the occasional off day. 当然,偶尔不在状态并没有关系. But if this behavior repeatedly manifests itself for weeks or months, there's a good chance you're too negative. 但如果这种暴躁的行为总是重复发生,持续几周或几个月,那这很有可能是你充满负能量的迹象。 Having a long-term negative outlook on life can creep up on you without your realizing it, 对生活持长期负面看法会潜移默化的影响你, and it's likely an indicator that you may need to make a larger life change也可能表明你需要做出更大的生活改变 Here are signs you might be negative. 我们整理了一些迹象,表明你可能充满负能量。 You only have one perspective: your own。你只有一种观点:你自己的。 Social media stresses you out. 社交媒体让你倍感压力。 You become energy vampires .You are simply incapable of producing any positive energy.你变成了能量吸血鬼,你不能产生任何正能量