Hope Is the Thing with Feathers      希望长着翅膀

Hope Is the Thing with Feathers 希望长着翅膀

2019-01-20    02'58''

主播: 北有灼灼

591 3

  Hope Is the Thing with Feathers   By Emily Dickinson   Hope is the thing with feathers   That perches in the soul,   And sings the tune-without the words,   And never stops at all,   And sweetest in the gale is heard;   And sore must be the storm   That could abash the little bird   That kept so many warm.   I've heard it in the chilliest land,   And on the strangest sea;   Yet, never, in extremity,   It asked a crumb of me.   【参考译文】   希望长着翅膀   栖息在灵魂里,   唱着一首没有歌词的曲调,   永不停息,   疾风中听来最为甜蜜;   曾让多少人感到温馨   那暴雨该有多么剧烈   才能让小鸟彷徨局促。   在严寒的国度,在陌生的海上,   我都能听到它在歌唱;   可无论环境多么艰险,   它从未向我索取,哪怕一丝报偿。