

2019-01-24    05'11''

主播: 北有灼灼

540 8

After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul 不久你就会明白,牵着一只手和锁住一个灵魂之间微妙的区别 And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning 你会明白爱并不意味着倾斜 And company doesn't mean security 而陪伴并不意味着安全 And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts 你开始明白亲吻不是契约 And presents aren't promises 礼物不是承诺 And you begin to accept your defeats 你开始接受你的失败 With your head up and eyes open 抬起头,睁着眼睛 With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child 展现女人的优雅,而不是孩子的悲伤 And you learn to build all roads on today because tomorrow's ground Is too uncertain for plans 你明白,应该在今天,将你所有的道路铺建,因为明天的地面是那么起伏不定,难以设计 And futures have a way of falling down in mid flight 而未来常常突然出现在眼前 After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much 不久你就会明白,即使是阳光如果拥有太多,也会灼伤 So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul 所以种植你自己的花园,装饰你自己的灵魂吧 Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers 而不是等待别人给你送花 And you learn that you really can endure 你会发现你真的可以忍受 That you really are strong 你真的很坚强 And you really do have worth 你的确有自己的价值 And you learn and learn 你不断明白更多 With every good bye you learn, you relieve 每一次分手你都有新的感悟,新的释然
上一期: 我不爱你 只因我曾深爱你
下一期: 我爱你