Mommy, teach me to read - Introduction 1/5

Mommy, teach me to read - Introduction 1/5

2016-01-28    00'53''

主播: 丹妮和妈妈irene

99 0

Introduction 介绍   THIS BOOK IS INTENDED AS A companion volumeto follow Mommy, Teach Me! while the first book presents an easy-to-usepreschool curriculum in all other areas, language is what you will find here inthe pages of Mommy, Teach Me to Read!—a parent-friendly approach to speech andreading development from birth to seven. You will also discover a preschoolapproach to history and singing, since these are language-intensive subjects. 这本书的目的是作为《妈妈,教我吧》(《Mommy, Teach Me!》)的姐妹篇!虽然第一本书介绍了易于使用的所有其他领域的学前课程,在《妈妈,教我阅读吧》里,你会发现语言是父母帮助孩子从出生到7岁发展讲话和阅读能力的有利途径,你也会发现一个适合学龄前儿童学习历史和歌唱的方法,因为这些都是语言密集型的科目。