Mommy, teach me to read - introduction 3/5

Mommy, teach me to read - introduction 3/5

2016-01-30    01'55''

主播: 丹妮和妈妈irene

34 0

The Internet is a blessing for all of uswho are looking for ways to help our children reach their potential andallowing God to help us reach our own. With a multitude of resources available,part of the help I want to offer you moms is to search out the best so yourtime will not be wasted with your computer instead of your kids. The minute mybook titles were secure, I purchased the domain name www.Mommy Teach who reads either of the Mommy, Teach Me! books will also have access toa dynamic and jam-packed resource, offering links to teaching supplies andonline support. A real bonus is the templates for materials such as sandpaperletters, phonetic flash cards, and other language exercises you will finddescribed in these pages. For mothers who are more often than notLone-Rangering it with young children, this will be an important support as youbegin to make the most of your child's preschool years, the years when it istruly easiest to teach children to read. 对于那些正在寻找方法,要帮助孩子开发他们的潜能,和让上帝帮助我们发掘我们自己潜能的人,网络是一个祝福。我能提供给妈妈们的帮助就是从大量的资源中找出最好的资源,让妈妈们可以有更多的亲子时间,而不是浪费在电脑前。当我确定标题时,我就立刻买下了的域名。任何读《妈妈,教我吧》(《Mommy, Teach Me!》)这本书的人,也能从中获得大量丰富的资源,包括教学材料和在线支持。在附录中你能得到各种材料的模板,比如砂字板、拼读闪卡,和其他的语言练习。这对于那些开始教导学龄前孩子阅读,却又是在孤军奋战的妈妈们是非常重要的支持,而学龄前是最容易被教导阅读的年龄。