Mommy, teach me to read - Reading--- the great adventure 1/6

Mommy, teach me to read - Reading--- the great adventure 1/6

2016-02-03    01'09''

主播: 丹妮和妈妈irene

10 0

YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN teach your children to read. You can open the gateway to a rich, rewarding adventure that will beckon them on for the rest of their lives. You can set their feet on the path to a lifelong love of reading. 你也能行!你完全可以教你的孩子阅读。你会为他们打开一扇门,那是一扇有着丰富冒险价值之门,这些经历会在他们余下的人生中深深的吸引并影响着他们。你可以让他们从此迈向终身热爱阅读之旅。 Through teaching your children yourself, in an informal and loving way, you can control the momentum, drawing each child closer to reading at a pace tailored to his own individual needs. You can anticipate yourchildren's trouble spots and give them extra encouragement when they need it,thus diverting feelings of inadequacy or failure, which make for unmotivated readers later on. 通过不断的教你的孩子,用一种随性的不那么正式却充满爱的方式,你可以控制势头,绘制和调整更适合孩子们个性化需求的步伐的方案。你可以提前预见孩子的故障点,并给他们额外的鼓励,当他们需要它的时候,从而避免他们因为这个故障点产生的失败的感情,成为无心向学的读者。