Mommy, teach me to read - Reading --- the Great Adventure 5/6

Mommy, teach me to read - Reading --- the Great Adventure 5/6

2016-02-15    01'32''

主播: 丹妮和妈妈irene

98 0

In January 2006, the National Survey of America's College Students found only 40 percent of the nation's college seniors are able to distinguish fact from commentary in a newspaper editorialor to understand instruction manuals. 2006年1月,美国的全国性调查发现,只有40%的美国大学的毕业生能够从报纸社论的评论中区分出事实,或理解操作手册。 In August 1996, President Clinton announced the America Reads Challenge and pledged 2.75 billion dollars to ensure that every child could read well and independently by the end of third grade—a dramatic mandate that leaves me wondering how it was that at one time almost everyone used to read in first grade. 1996年8月,克林顿总统宣布了美国阅读面临的挑战,并承诺出资275万美元,以确保每一个孩子在三年级的时候可以很好的完成独立阅读, 这个命令虽然令人激动人心,但却让我不禁好奇,那个几乎每个一年级学生都能阅读的时代到底是怎么样的。 Numerous expensive reading programs sell like hotcakes to worried parents who sense their children just aren't where they should be in school. 许多昂贵的阅读计划出售的就像烤饼,谁又能够切身的感受到那些担心孩子们在学校学习的家长们的亲身感受。
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