Day 76 Reading: Time to Begin

Day 76 Reading: Time to Begin

2016-05-04    02'43''

主播: 丹妮和妈妈irene

80 4

Part Ⅱ In the following pages, you will 在下面的页面中,你会 discover keys to unlock your child's reading potential. be liberated from the “teaching mystique” which convinces us that people need a credential to teach children a basic skill they themselves have used daily for decades. learn a few simple exercises, that at the very least, will develop your child's pre-reading skills to give him a head start in school. be inspired to carry it all the way through. 发现打开你孩子阅读潜能的钥匙。 打开那个人们年年月月以来确信的你需要有资质证书才能教孩子基本的阅读技巧的“教学奥秘” 学习一些简单的练习,这些练习至少会在孩子们入学前培养他们准备阅读的能力 鼓舞你用这些方法面对一切问题 Be confident of this: With a little consistency and faithful effort, you can teach your child to read before he goes to school—or at least give him the head start that will make the critical difference between success and failure. 请坚信:只要一直坚持努力下去,你可以在孩子们上学前教他们阅读——至少引领他开始阅读,这将会成为成功和失败决定性差别。 Why start early? 为什么要尽早开始? In our country, we are accustomed to thinking of children learning to read in first grade, or perhaps kindergarten. If you have always assumed that six is the appropriate age to begin reading, you may wonder why it would be wise to begin earlier. 在我国,通常认为孩子在一年级或是幼儿园学习阅读。如果你一直认为六岁是开始阅读的合适年龄,你或许想知道,为什么再早些开始更明智。 Remember our discussion of sensitive periods? These are certain ages when the window of opportunity is widest for releasing the child's potential abilities. 还记得我们对敏感期的探讨吗?它是指那些释放孩子潜能最好时机的时期。 The sensitive period for learning reading skills is usually between the ages of four and five. 学习阅读技巧的敏感期通常在四到五岁之间。 The word usually is important, because for all children, in every phase of their development, there is a wide range of variation. Having been a mother of toddlers for three decades, as well as a preschool teacher, I know that very well. You can't push a child to do something he is not developmentally ready to do. 词汇通常很重要,因为对孩子来说,每个发展阶段都是一个可变的范围。当了三十几年的妈妈以及作为一名幼儿教师,我对此非常了解。孩子没发育准备好你并不能强迫他去做。 However, the more you understand how to meet the needs of the sensitive period and the wider you try to open that window, the more likely you are to see a smooth transition as the potential is released. 无论如何,当孩子处于潜能释放期,你对如何应对敏感期的需求了解越多,如何打开敏感期之窗的尝试越多,你就越可能看到孩子在这个时期的平稳过渡。
上一期: Day 75 Reading: Time to Begin
下一期: My lunch