老友记 ║ “得逞了”英文该怎么表达?E0927

老友记 ║ “得逞了”英文该怎么表达?E0927

2021-09-27    03'04''

主播: DAMON🍟

62 0

▍语言点 Ross: Of course not, I'm... suggesting Geller-Willick-Bunch. Susan: Oh, no, no no no no no, you see what he's doing? He knows no-one's gonna say all those names, so they'll wind up calling her Geller, then he gets his way! Ross: My way?! You-you think this is my way? Believe me, of all the ways I ever imagined this moment in my life being, this is not my way-y'know what? Uh, um, this is too hard. I'm not, I can't do- 立即点击订阅,每天学习英语口语表达!