Vision Wonder_Vol.5_ Man seeking woman

Vision Wonder_Vol.5_ Man seeking woman

2017-03-29    13'12''

主播: 广东理工学院广播站

81 0

Use your eyes to know the world. Use your ears to tell the way. Let our voice into your brain. Let our passion into your veins. See the shadow changes and wonder the life consciousness. Welcome to "vision wonder". Here you got view experience. Here you got new film and show recommend. It's Thursday ,nice to meet you. 由播音: 徐晓芊 黄嘉泓 编辑:陈金雄 监制:邱溪琪,雷抒意 为你带来“Vision Wonder” 本期为大家带来《 Man seeking woman》 如果你喜欢我们的节目就请点击一下订阅,如果有建议或意见欢迎再下方评论区留言给我们,有你们的支持就是我们最大的动力,我们会努力做得更好。
上一期: 讲哩啲_Vol.4_无缘
下一期: 秘密90_Vol.1