大怪物讲故事《Hug Machine》主播:西瓜姐姐

大怪物讲故事《Hug Machine》主播:西瓜姐姐

2016-10-23    11'59''

主播: 大怪物故事电台

457 20

《Hug Machine》 Whoa! Here I come! I am the Hug Machine! I am very good at hugging. The best at hugging. No one can resist my unbelievable hugging. I am the Hug Machine! My hugs calm people down. They cheer them up. They make them go completely nuts! I am the Hug Machine! I hug everything I see! No one escapes the Hug Machine. My hugs make the biggest feel small. The smallest feel big. I hug soft things. Hard things. Square things. Long things! I am the Hug Machine! Oh. Do you need a hug? I thing you do . HUG ACCOMPLISHED! There is nothing the Hug Machine will not hug. “What about me ?I am so spiky .No one ever hugs me .” They are missing out! “What about me ?Surely I am too big for you to hug.” Of course not! Not for the Hug Machine! People often ask what the Hug Machine eats to keep the hugging energy high. Well,the answer is pizza. The Hug Machine likes pizza very much. Refueled and ready for action! Whew!What a tiring day of hugging, The Hug Machine is exhausted. Hug Machine can hug no more. Oh. Why yes.You may hug the Hug Machine. Hug Machine is always open for business. 今天的故事就到这讲完啦,是不是一个很温暖的故事呢?I am the hug machine ,too.我也是拥抱机器人,我也要去拥抱全世界,去拥抱一切爱我的,和我爱的事物。 那么在节目的最后再跟大家讲一个关于拥抱的力量: 一个3岁的小女孩心情不好,就对她的爸爸发脾气。   小女孩说:“我讨厌你!”   爸爸微笑着反应:“可是我爱你。”   小女孩又说:“我讨厌你!”声音变大,而且斩钉截铁。   爸爸却更温柔地回答:“我还是爱你。”   小女孩大喊:“我讨厌你!”   爸爸说:“没关系,我还是爱你。”并张开双臂,把小女孩搂住。   小女孩终于软化:“我也爱你。”整个人投入爸爸的怀抱。   你几乎可以看见那小女孩由娇嗔的小魔鬼,变成温柔的小绵羊。我想你是知道的,真正打开她心房的,是那双伸出的臂膀和紧紧的拥抱。人,天生喜欢拥抱。孩子哭,除了饿想吃、生病,就是没有安全感,要抱抱。拥抱是孩子对爱的渴望,也是他自己对别人爱的一种表达。 感谢您的收听,我是您的朋友西瓜姐姐,如果您喜欢我们的节目,欢迎订阅大怪物故事电台,我一直都会在这里陪伴您的优质时光。祝您好梦,晚安。