绘本 Down by the Station【讲解+朗读】

绘本 Down by the Station【讲解+朗读】

2016-08-30    15'53''

主播: 泽泽赞赞暖暖

1162 33

Down by the station 在火车站 Down by the station,Early in the morning, See the little puffer trains,All in a row. See the engine driver,Pull the little handle; CHUFF!CHUFF!CHUFF!And off we go! 大清早,到了车站, 瞧,喷气小火车排成排。 看,火车司机拉开小把手; 嚓呋! 嚓呋!嚓呋! 我们出发! Down by the station,Early in the morning. See the busy buses,All in a row. See the bus driver,Calling to the passengers; BRRM! BRRM! BRRM!And off we go! 大清早,到了车站, 瞧,忙碌的公交车排成排。 看,公交车司机呼喊着乘客; 嘀! 嘀!嘀! 我们出发! Down by the station,Early in the morning, See the muddy tractors,All in a row. See the tractor driver,Loading up the trailer; CHUG! CHUG!CHUG!And off we go! 大清早,到了车站, 瞧,沾满泥的拖拉机排成排。 看,拖拉机司机装载货物; 恰咯!恰咯!恰咯! 我们出发! Down by the station,Early in the morning, See the shiny taxi cabs,All in a row. See the taxi driver,Polishing the windows; BEEP! BEEP!BEEP!And off we go! 大清早,到了车站, 瞧,闪亮的出租车排成排。 看,出租车司机擦亮车窗; 哔!哔!哔! 我们出发! Down by the station,Early in the morning, See the great big trucks,All in a row. See the truck driver,Loading up the parcels; HONK! HONK! HONK!And off we go! 大清早,到了车站, 瞧,大卡车排成排。 看,卡车司机装载货物; 哈克!哈克!哈克! 我们出发! Down by the station,Early in the morning, See the fire engines,All in a row. See the fire fighter,Climbing up the ladder; NEE NOR!NEE NOR!And off we go! 大清早,到了车站, 瞧,消防车排成排。 看,消防员爬上梯子; 呢欧!呢欧!呢欧! 我们出发! 阅读 tips (1)单词 Words: station [ˈsteɪʃn] 车站,handle [ˈhændl] 手柄 , passenger [ˈpæsɪndʒə(r)] 乘客, ladder [ˈlædə(r)] 梯子 (2)交通工具 Vehicles: train [treɪn] 火车,bus [bʌs] 公交车, tractor [ˈtræktə(r)] 拖拉机,taxi [ˈtæksi] 出租车, truck [trʌk] 货车,fire engine [ˈfaiə ˈendʒin] 消防车