Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series “how do you say this in American English.”
David: Hi guys. My name is David
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Nick: We got a new guest, David. Hi David, I heard that you’ve got a girl chasing you. Is that true?
David: Yeah, kinda. I mean she’s nice, she’s smart, she’s a good person. It’s just I don’t have feelings for her. I mean, we just don’t have chemistry together.
Nick: Oh really. But to be honest, in my eyes, I think she’s pretty good. She’s, like you said, smart. She’s beautiful. She’s caring. I mean, how can you find a better one? She’s good enough.
David: Yeah I’m not saying she’s not good person. It’s just she’s not my cup of tea.
Nick: What? Wait wait wait, I thought you liked the cup of tea. What do you mean “cup of tea”?
David: Oh no. she’s not my cup of tea is a phrase you can use in America. It means you may like someone but their personality just doesn’t match your own, or if they do something that you can’t really live with, then the person just isn’t your type. You can just say, they are not my cup of tea-it’s a simpler way of saying that.
Nick: Oh can you just say, something is not my cup of tea? Or it’s not restricted to some people.
David: No, it could apply to a lot of different things. For example, it can be used to describe undesirable relationships. You could also use it to apply to food, for example. Say you like white wine that’s sweet but are given a dry red wine. To politely turn down the glass, you could say, “no thank you, it's not my cup of tea.”
Nick: Oh so tea here is not like the actual tea.
David: No, it can apply to any different things. Not just tea.
Nick: So I like sandwiches. I don’t like burgers. I could say, “burgers, they are not my cup of tea.”
David: Yeah you can say that.
Nick: Ok, thank you.
David刚刚就是说,cup of tea或者说my type, 在这里可以表示你喜欢的东西。不一定非得是tea相关,并不一定是茶。你可以说食物,比如我举的例子,我喜欢吃burger,不喜欢吃sandwich,那我就会说the burger is my cup of tea/my thing. So this is pretty much it for today’s class. I’ll see you guys next time. Bye
David: See you guys.