Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series “how do you say this in American English.”
欢迎大家订阅查看微信公众号“ 铅笔英语”,有更多精彩免费内容。同时如果大家有什么想学的表达,可以在评论留言告诉我,或者在新浪微博@黄宏敏Nick私信告诉我。今天我和朋友聚会,不巧啊,朋友临时被公司叫去,有急事,这场聚会只能作罢。她不是放我飞机啊,因为她是没办法,公司有事毕竟。那只能改日再约,那改日再约,改日再见,用美语怎么说呢?
Nick: I’m so upset, buddy. Olivia can’t make it to the restaurant today.
Brad: What? Why? I remember you told me she promised you to go. You guys haven’t seen each other forever.
Nick: Yeahshe did say that. Right? But she’s not to blame on this. She was on her way to the place but suddenly, she got a call from her boss, requesting her to back to the company. She’s real busy.
Brad: I’m sorry dude, she took a rain check I guess.
Nick: Wait, what? Rain check? But today is not a rainy day!
Brad: I realize that but rain check is a very common slang, meaning to a schedule. It’s not being stood up, although you sort of did, in a way I guess. But the cause of it was genuine in that she had an unfortunate event.
Nick: Yeah she didn’t mean to. I guess I’ll just take a rain check.
Nick:我们刚刚就说,rain check就是改日再约,改日再见。这个词的来源是一个baseball的一个术语,后来就慢慢的流传下来了。就是说改日再约,就可以用I’ll take a rain check.我们下次再见,下次再约。So this is pretty much it for this time. I’ll see you guys next time, bye.
Brad: See ya.