4954 启蒙满月日之歌

4954 启蒙满月日之歌

2022-12-15    05'16''

主播: Ananda Marga王者之王瑜伽

248 3

今日我憶起那個滿月的日子 The story of Shrávanii Púrnimár* I recall today; 哦 至上的朋友 就在今日我憶起 I recall today, 0 friend就在今日我憶起 I recall today. 回憶起那粗鈍物質與精細意識間美妙的互動 I recall what a unique sport-matter and spirit were at play. 雲朵兒快樂地掩映穹蒼 The sky was pleasantly overcast 水中的青蛙儘情地歡唱 The water-frogs were happy and gay 微風輕拂著甜美的茉莉花 The breeze caressed with sweet jasmine 熱情地吹送芳香 Was blowing passionately. 粗鈍物質被意識敲擊著 Matter was struck by consciousness, 使心靈滿溢著神性力量的音聲 Mind was charged with divinely-powered sound 穿透幻象的迷霧 流瀉嶄新的光明 New light was shed piercing the veil of mist 就在今日我憶起 回憶起那個滿月的日子 The story of Shrávanii Púrnimár* I recall today.