4335 天上和人间都属于祢

4335 天上和人间都属于祢

2022-12-30    03'48''

主播: Ananda Marga王者之王瑜伽

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天上和人間都屬於您 The earth and the sky belong to Your, 十方世界也屬於您 The whole universe is indeed Yours, 我僅是您的虔誠者 I am merely your devotee. 您是至高的君王 如此珍貴摯爱 You are the Emperor, so dear and beloved. 您倾吐署光的光辉 The light the sun pours forth, 散发玫瑰花園的芳香 The fragrance the rose garden brings, 留駐在我心中的 那個唯一 The One who resides in my heart, 除了您還會有誰 哦 璀燦的星星 In none but You, the effulgent star. 你存在於快樂和歡笑裡 In mirth and merriment, you exist, 您也存在於憂慮和混亂中 You also exist in troubles and turmoils 您也在我靈魂的悸動裡 You exist in the throbs of my soul 您是我爱的淚水 You are the tears of my love.