

2017-01-28    09'12''

主播: 北岛青青

726 22

新年好呀新年好呀祝福大家新年好! 过年喽~ 热烈欢迎小伙伴们留言哦! 赶紧把祝福语都收下吧! 财源广进:May wealth come pouring in. 恭喜发财:Wishing you wealth and prosperity. 和气生财:May harmony bring wealth. 年年有余:May you have abundance every year. 大吉大利:May you have great luck and profit. 岁岁平安:May you have peace at every age. 心想事成:May all your hopes,dreams,wishes all come true. 学业进步:May your studies improve. 万事如意:May everything goes smoothly 生意兴隆:May your business flourish. 笑口常开:Wishing you a year full of laughters and smiles. 愿大家在新的一年里活出最好的自己!