

2020-05-15    00'51''

主播: 丹尼老师

414 2

Visiting Fengxian Temple at Longmen I had already visited the temple and went on to stay over in the temple precincts【1】. Shadowy ravines【2】 produced piping from empty spaces, the moonlit forests scattered【3】 their clear shadows. Constellations’【4】 woof pressed close on Heaven’s towers, lying in the clouds, my clothes were cold. About to be awakened, I heard the dawn bell which brought out in me deep awareness. 单词释义 【1】precinct [ˈpriːsɪŋkt] n. 步行商业区; 选区; 【2】ravine [rəˈviːn] n. 沟壑; 溪谷; 【3】scatter [ˈskætə(r)] v. 撒; 撒播; 散开; 四散; 使分散; 驱散; n. 散落; 三三两两; 零零星星; 【4】constellation [ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃn] n. 星座; 一系列(相关的想法、事物); 一群(相关的人);
上一期: 蛋泥叔叔讲故事-七夕
下一期: 2望岳