

2017-01-19    11'01''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

89 9

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 26. I became very fascinated with the relationship between sound and picture and the emotional effect it can have. 我对声音与画面之间的关系和它们所能产生的情感效果变得十分着迷。 27. Including moderate portions of lean beef in your diet is beneficial in enhancing your memory because of its iron content. 在你的日常饮食中添加适量的瘦牛肉有利于增强你的记忆,这主要因为其中的铁含量。 28. Some scientists and campaigners in Paris hailed the results, if not as a triumph, then as a beacon of hope. 在巴黎,一些科学家和活动家为实验的结果欢呼。 他们觉得,如果这不是一个胜利,也可作为一个希望的灯塔。 29. We wanted a warmer and more humane society, where people care for their fellow human beings, care for the less fortunate among us and take responsibility for each other and for future generations. 我们想要更温馨和人道的社会,人们关心其他的人,关心我们中间较不幸运的人,并对每个人和未来几代人负责。 30. He arranged the takeout of his own stock in the company, which flattened the interest of uninformed minority shareholders. 他撤出了自己在公司的股份,极大的损害了不知情的少数股东的利益。