

2017-01-20    07'34''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

119 8

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 31. Grey-haired farmers in battered waxed jackets complain about the government, the European Union and the weather. 满头灰发的农民们,衣衫褴褛,神情黯淡地埋怨着英国政府、欧盟还有倒霉的天气。 32. Fans complain bitterly about the rising price of live music. Yet they keep paying for concerts. 粉丝们对演唱会门票的价格上涨大发牢骚,然而他们仍旧继续花钱去看。 33. They have warned the world to expect more frequent and intense extreme weather events, and this is what we are seeing. 他们曾警告,世界上将出现更频繁和强烈的极端天气事件,而这正是我们现在所看到的。 34. No need to justify your shortcomings or wrong actions, simply own up to your mistakes and recognize that you need help in changing them. 没有必要为了你的缺点或错误的行为进行辩护,爽快地承认自己的错误并承认你需要帮助以改变它们。 35. My firing was based not on performance but discrimination. 我被开除不是基于工作表现而是由于歧视。