

2017-01-29    09'33''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

80 10

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 83.A new potent antibiotic will shortly be available. 一种新的高效抗生素不久将在市面销售。 84. He produced his potent argument at the meeting. 他在会上提出了有说服力的论点。 85. The Shanghai stock market had surged by 35%, a potent sign that much of the money was being poured into shares rather than invested more directly. 上海股市已经飙升了35%,这个有力的信号表明这些钱很多都被投放到了股市,而不是进行更为直接的投资。 86. My family lives a comfortable but not especially extravagant life, and while there are certainly some material things we‘d yet like to acquire, we’re well set with the basics and more. 我的家庭生活很舒适,但并不算特别奢侈。 虽然还有些物质上的东西是我们想得到的,但我们已经拥有生活中所有的必需品,甚至还有些不那么必须的。 87.They will react with hostility to the price rises and calls for equivalent wage increases are bound to be heard. 他们将会强烈反对价格上涨,同时肯定会要求相应地增加工资。