

2017-02-03    05'11''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

74 8

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 113. In this age of instantaneous global communication, when criminal activity knows no bounds, our enforcement work must extend beyond our own borders. 在这个全球即时通讯的时代,犯罪活动无国界,我们的执法工作必须超越我们自己的国界。 114. She stretched money to keep within a budget. 为了不超出预算,她精打细算地花钱。 115.She had an unshakable faith in human goodness and natural honesty. 她对人性的善良和天性的诚实有着不可动摇的信心。 116.I would rather pay for a meal than watch nine friends pick over and split a bill. 我宁愿付整顿饭钱而不愿看着9个朋友仔细算计、分摊账单。 117. Youngsters decamp as soon as they can to work in towns near and far, leaving their ageing parents to till the soil. 只要年青人能在或远或近的城镇工作,他们就会离开,致使其年老的父母耕种土地。