

2017-02-06    05'45''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

66 9

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 今天声音比较嘈杂,请大家见谅 122.They have a remarkable ability to live through, delay or entirely escape a host of diseases that kill off most of their peers. 他们具有非凡的能力,能挺过、延缓或全然避免罹患那些夺走他们同龄人中大部分人性命的许多疾病。 123.There’s a really good chance that in your most prized experiences, you’re doing, not just thinking about doing. 这真是一个非常好的机会,在你最珍贵的经历里,你是正在做着某些事情,而不仅仅是想着要去做。 124. To be environmentally friendly, the couple chose to go on bikes instead of fancy automobiles to their wedding reception. 出于环保考虑,这对新人在前往婚宴时选用自行车来代替更为花哨的汽车。 125.He warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious. 他告诫公众要保持警惕,报告任何可疑情况。 126. If you aren’t an avid reader, it may feel hard to get started, but as you keep reading, you’ll find it more and more fun, at least I did. 如果你不是一个狂热的读者,开始的时候可能会有些困难,但是只要你坚持下去,你会觉得越来越有意思。 至少我的经验是这样的。