

2017-02-12    08'32''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

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我是海天考研的咨询师和教务欢姐。负责中华女子学院。有关考研问题欢迎加我微信15810039954.欢姐建有专属的打卡群,会把你拉进群里。群里提交作业和语音,欢姐会给你免费纠音噢。 感谢您的收听!如果您喜欢欢姐的声音,期待您的转发和订阅。您的支持是我前进的动力! 音频配套文本如下: (摘自2007年真题阅读理解) This success coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. 劈树:本句中共包含三个谓语成份:“is”,“led”,“is”,可以将原句切分为三个小分句。 第一分句为:This success coupled with later research showing…,led Ericsson to conclude; 第二分句为:that memory itself is not genetically determined; 第三分句为:that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one; 造竹:第一分句是主句,第二分句是“that”引导的分词“showing”的宾语从句,第三分句是动词“conclude”的宾语从句。 难词(词组)及在句中的含义: coupled with (结合,伴随) more of A than B (更加是A而不是B;与其说是B,不如说是A) genetically determined (基因所决定的) act of memorizing (记忆行为) cognitive exercise (认知练习) intuitive (直觉的,天生的) 分句详解 第一分句为:This success coupled with later research showing…,led Ericsson to conclude; “coupled with…”的含义为“结合…,和…”; 本分句主干为“This success … led Ericsson”; “coupled with later research …”是分词后置定语结构,修饰名词“success”; “showing…”也是分词后置定语结构,修饰名词短语“later research”; “coupled with later research showing…”形成了分词定语的连环嵌套修饰; “ to conclude”是不定式,含义为“得出结论”; “led Ericsson to conclude”的含义为“导致艾瑞克森得出结论”; 第一分句翻译为:这次成功加上表明了…的这一随后研究导致艾瑞克森得出结论; 第二分句为:that memory itself is not genetically determined; “memory itself”的含义为“记忆本身”; “genetically determined”的含义为“基因所决定的”; 第二分句翻译为:记忆本身不是由基因决定的; 第三分句为:that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one; “act of memorizing”的含义为“记忆行为”; “cognitive exercise”的含义为“认知练习”; “intuitive”的含义为“直觉的,天生的”; “one”指代“exercise”; “intuitive one”翻译为“与生俱来的能力”,而不要直译为“与生俱来的练习”; “more of A than B”译为“更加是A而不是B;与其说是B,不如说是A”; “more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one”就可以翻译为“更是一种认知的练习,而不是与生俱来的能力”,或“与其说是与生俱来的能力,不如说是一种认知的练习”; 第三分句翻译为:记忆行为更是一种认知的练习,而不是与生俱来的能力;或:记忆行为与其说是与生俱来的能力,不如说是一种认知的练习; 原文回顾 This success coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. 全句翻译为:这次成功加上表明了记忆本身不是由基因决定的这一随后研究导致艾瑞克森得出结论,即记忆行为更是一种认知的练习,而不是与生俱来的能力。 或翻译为:这次成功加上表明了记忆本身不是由基因决定的这一随后研究导致艾瑞克森得出结论,即记忆行为与其说是与生俱来的能力,不如说是一种认知的练习。 句式结构考点:分词作后置定语,宾语从句; 难度级别: 智慧点滴 Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things. 财富是一种生活与思考的方式,而不仅是金钱与物质。贫穷是一种生活与思考的方式,而不仅是缺乏金钱与物质。 明日预告 In other words, whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize, those differences are swamped by how well each person "encodes" the information