

2017-04-17    11'25''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

274 18

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 海天考研每日作业 Part1 词汇小霸王 中级词汇1000 mill [mɪl] n.磨坊; 工厂; 磨粉机; 榨汁机; v.研磨,粉碎; 搅拌; ministry [ˈmɪnɪstri] n.(政府的) 部; 神职; 牧师职位; 神职任期; minor [ˈmaɪnə(r)] adj.较小的,少数的,小…; 未成年的; n.未成年人; 副修科目; 小公司; v.[美国英语] 副修,选修,兼修; miracle [ˈmɪrəkl] n.奇迹,圣迹,神迹; 令人惊奇的人(或事); mislead [ˌmɪsˈli:d] v.把…带错路; 把…引入歧途; mission [ˈmɪʃn] n.使命; 代表团; 官方使命; v.给…交代任务; 派遣; 把任务交给; 向…传教; mobile [ˈməʊbaɪl] adj.可移动的; 行动自如的; 易变的; 流动性的; n.手机; mode [məʊd] n.方式; 状况; 时尚,风尚; 调式; moderate [ˈmɒdərət] adj.有节制的; 稳健的,温和的; 适度的,中等的; v.使和缓; 节制;变缓和; modify [ˈmɒdɪfaɪ] v.修改; 被修饰; 改变; 减轻,减缓; moist [mɔɪst] adj.潮湿的; 微湿的; 多雨的; moisture [ˈmɔɪstʃə(r)] n.水分; 湿气; 潮湿; 降雨量; mood [mu:d] n.心情; 语气; 气氛; 坏心境; motivate [ˈməʊtɪveɪt] v.刺激; 使有动机,促动,激发,诱导; 激发…的积极性; motive [ˈməʊtɪv] n.动机,主旨; (艺术作品的) 主题,题材; adj.动机的; 运动的; 发动的; v.促使; mount [maʊnt] v.登上; 骑上;增加; 上升;安装,架置; mug [mʌg] n.马克杯,杯子; v.(尤指在舞台上或摄影机前) 扮鬼脸,扮怪相; multiple [ˈmʌltɪpl] adj.多重的; 多个的; 复杂的; 多功能的; n.倍数; [电工] 并联; 连锁商店; mutual [ˈmju:tʃuəl] adj.相互的; 共同的; 共有的; 彼此的; mysterious [mɪˈstɪəriəs] adj.玄妙; 神秘的,诡秘的; 难以理解的,不可思议的; mystery [ˈmɪstri] n.秘密,谜; 神秘,神秘的事物; 推理小说,推理剧; myth [mɪθ] n.神话; 神怪故事; 奇人,奇事; 虚构的人,虚构的事; v.使神话化; naked [ˈneɪkɪd] adj.裸体的,裸露的; 率直的,赤裸裸的; 缺乏保护; 不加掩饰的; negative [ˈnegətɪv] adj.消极的,否认的; [数] 负的; n.否定词语; 否定的观点; 消极性; v.否定; 拒绝; negotiate [nɪˈgəʊʃieɪt] v.谈判,协商,交涉; 谈判达成; nerve [nɜ:v] n.神经; 勇气,胆量;  中枢; v.鼓励,激励; 鼓起勇气; neutral [ˈnju:trəl] adj.中立的; (化学中) 中性的; 暗淡的; 不带电的; n.(汽车或其他机器的) 空挡位置; 中立人士; 中立国; nightmare [ˈnaɪtmeə(r)] n.噩梦; 可怕的事情,无法摆脱的恐惧; 泛滥成灾; adj.可怕的,噩梦似的; notify [ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ] v.通知; 布告; notion [ˈnəʊʃn] n.概念,观念; 意见,见解; 奇想; 打算; nuisance [ˈnju:sns] n.讨厌的东西(人,行为)麻烦事; 非法妨害,损害; 麻烦事; numerous [ˈnju:mərəs] adj.数不清的; 很多的,许多的; 数量庞大的; nylon [ˈnaɪlɒn] n.[纺] 尼龙; 尼龙织品; objection [əbˈdʒekʃn] n.反对; 反对的话,异议; 反对的理由; objective [əbˈdʒektɪv] adj.目标的; 客观的,实体的; n.目标,任务;  [语] 宾语,宾格; obligation [ˌɒblɪˈgeɪʃn] n.债务; 义务,责任; 证券,契约; 恩惠; oblige [əˈblaɪdʒ] v.强制,强迫; 使负债务; 使感激;  施恩惠; 帮忙,效劳; observation [ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃn] n.观察; 观察力; 评论; 观察所得; obstacle [ˈɒbstəkl] n.障碍(物); obtain [əbˈteɪn] v.获得,得到; 流行; 买到,达到(目的);  Part 2 真题长难句 Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who “until now have very, very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient medication to control their pain if that might hasten death.” 劈树:本句含有五个谓语动词,“contends”,“will shield”,“have insisted”,“could not give”,“might hasten”;可以切分为五个分句。 第一分句:Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends; 第二分句:that the principle will shield doctors; 第三分句:who until now have very, very strongly insisted; 第四分句:that they could not give patients sufficient medication to control their pain; 第五分句:if that might hasten death; 造竹:第一分句为主句;第二分句为“contends”的宾语从句;第三分句为“doctors”的定语从句;第四分句为“insisted”的宾语从句;第五分句为“if”引导的条件状语从句。 各分句中难词(词组)及在句中的含义: contend (认为) shield (保护) sufficient (足够的) medication (药物治疗) hasten (加快) 分句详解 第一分句:Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends; 第一分句翻译为:Nancy Dubler, Montefiore医疗中心主任,认为; 第二分句:that the principle will shield doctors; 第二分句翻译为:此准则将会保护医生; 第三分句:who until now have very, very strongly insisted; 第三分句翻译为:他们直到现在都坚决主张; 第四分句:that they could not give patients sufficient medication to control their pain; “to control their pain”是不定式作目的状语; 第四分句翻译为:他们不会给予患者足够的药物来缓解疼痛; 第五分句:if that might hasten death; “that”指“药物”; 第五分句翻译为:如果药物会加速死亡; 原文回顾:Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who “until now have very, very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient medication to control their pain if that might hasten death.” 全句翻译为:Nancy Dubler, Montefiore医疗中心主任,认为此准则将会保护医生,他们直到现在都坚决主张,如果药物会加速死亡,他们就不会给予患者足够的药物来缓解疼痛。 句式结构考点:宾语从句;定语从句;条件状语从句; 难度级别: 短语背诵: the principle will shield until now have very, very strongly insisted that if that might hasten 背景墙:Montefiore Medical Center Montefiore Medical Center, in the Bronx, New York, is a teaching hospital for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. It is named for Moses Montefiore and is one of the 50 largest employers in New York State.   智慧点滴 Happiness hides in life’s small details. If you’re not looking, it becomes invisible. 幸福隐藏在生活的细节里,你若不留意就难以察觉。