

2017-08-10    05'16''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

6558 337

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ Section 2 生活点滴·琐碎多 Daily Triviality ①匆匆去上学 Going to School ②我上学从不迟到。 I never come to school late. ③我一周上学5天。 I attend school five days a week. ④你怎么去上学的? How do you go to school? ⑤我穿过田野抄近路去上学。 I took a short cut across the field to get to school. ⑥我每天搭公交车去上学。 I go to school by bus every morning. ⑦我厌倦每天上学。 I’m tired of going to school day after day. ●电视节目分类 天气预报 weather forecast 脱口秀 talk show 动画片 animation/cartoon 智力竞答节目 quiz show 音乐纪录片 music documentary 烹饪节目 cooking 娱乐节目 entertainment 新闻 news 广告 commercial/advert 预告片 trailer 电影 film 情景喜剧 sitcom(situation comedy) 电视系列片 TV Series 肥皂剧 soap opera 科幻片 science fiction 专题片 feature program 纪录片 documentary 文艺晚会 variety show 戏剧 drama 动物世界 animal world