

2017-08-11    08'34''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

468 24

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 海天考研每日作业 ●Part1 考研核心词汇 outskirts [ˈaʊtskɜ:ts] n.郊外; 边缘; 市郊,郊区; 从外围经过; outward [ˈaʊtwəd] adj.向外的; 外面的; 公开的; adv.向外(等于outwards); 在外; n.外表; 外面; 物质世界; overflow [ˌəʊvəˈfləʊ] v.溢出,淹没; 挤满,充满; 资源过剩; n.泛滥,溢出物; 充溢,过多; 超出额; overhaul [ˈəʊvəhɔ:l] v.彻底检查; 翻修,检修; n.大修; 检查; 彻底检修; 详细检查; overhear [ˌəʊvəˈhɪə(r)] v.偷听; 无意中听到; 偶然听到; overlap [ˌəʊvəˈlæp] n.重叠部分; 覆盖物,涂盖层; v.重叠; 与…部分相同; 部分相同; overpass [ˈəʊvəpɑ:s] n.立交桥,天桥,高架道路; overthrow [ˌəʊvəˈθrəʊ] v.打倒,推翻; 使屈服,征服; 使瓦解; 撞倒; n.推翻,打倒; 打翻; 倾倒; overtime [ˈəʊvətaɪm] n.加班; 加班费; 加时赛; 超出的时间,额外的时间; adv.超时地; 加班地; v.使历时过久; 使(曝光等)超过时间; overturn [ˌəʊvəˈtɜ:n] v.(使) 翻倒; 使垮台,推翻; 撤销(判决等); n.推翻,垮台; 瓦解; 灭亡,毁灭; overwhelm [ˌəʊvəˈwelm] v.压倒; 淹没; 压垮; 覆盖; owe [əʊ] v.感激; 欠…债; 应归功于; 怀有情感; owing [ˈəʊɪŋ] adj.欠着的,应付的,未付的; v.感激( owe的现在分词 ); 应把…归功于; 欠…债; owl [aʊl] n.猫头鹰; 夜猫子; 惯于晚上活动的人; (像猫头鹰一样) 机警的人; ownership [ˈəʊnəʃɪp] n.所有权; 所有; 所有制; 物主身份; oxide [ˈɒksaɪd] n.氧化物; ozone [ˈəʊzəʊn] n.臭氧; packet [ˈpækɪt] n.小包; 信息包;  大笔款项; v.包装,打包; pact [pækt] n.公约; 条约,公约; paddle [ˈpædl] n.桨状物; 扁板; v.涉水; 趟水; 用桨划船; 荡桨;用浆划动,用船桨推动(船只); 搬运,运输; 拍打; 搅拌; pail [peɪl] n.桶; 一桶的量; pamphlet [ˈpæmflət] n.小册子; 活页文选; pan [pæn] n.平底锅; 盘状的器皿; v.淘金; 在浅锅中烹调(食物); panorama [ˌpænəˈrɑ:mə] n.全景画; 全景照片; 一连串景象或事; 概论; pant [pænt] n.气喘; 喘气,喘息; 喷气声; v.喘气,喘息; 喘着气说,气喘吁吁地讲; 热望,渴望,想; parachute [ˈpærəʃu:t] n.降落伞; 降落伞状物; v.用降落伞投送; 用降落伞降落; 跳伞; paradise [ˈpærədaɪs] n.天堂; 乐园; 伊甸园; 极乐; paradox [ˈpærədɒks] n.反论,悖论; 似非而是的论点; 自相矛盾的人或事; paralyse [ˈpærəlaɪz] v.使瘫痪[麻痹]; 使不能正常活动; parameter [pəˈræmɪtə(r)] n. 参数; 参量; 限制因素; 决定因素; parasite [ˈpærəsaɪt] n.寄生物,寄生虫; 寄生植物; participant [pɑ:ˈtɪsɪpənt] n.参加者,参与者; 与会代表; 参与国; 关系者; adj.参加的; 有关系的; particular [pəˈtɪkjələ(r)] adj.特别的; 详细的; 独有的; 挑剔的; n.特色,特点; (可分类,列举的) 项目; 详细情节; 某一事项; passerby [‘pɑ:sə'baɪ] n.过路人,行人; pastime [ˈpɑ:staɪm] n.消遣,娱乐; pasture [ˈpɑ:stʃə(r)] n.牧草地,牧场; 牲畜饲养,放牧; v.放牧; 吃草; pat [pæt] v.轻拍,爱抚; n.轻拍; 轻拍某物发出的声音; 小团,小块; patch [pætʃ] n.补丁,补片; 眼罩; 斑点; 小块; v.修补,拼凑; 暂时遮掩一下; 打补丁; patent [ˈpætnt] n.专利; 专利权; 专利品; 专利证; adj.专利的; 显然,显露; 明摆着的; v.获得…专利,给予…专利权; 取得专利权; pathetic [pəˈθetɪk] adj.令人同情的,可怜的; ●Part2 真题长难句 but we have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us.(2010翻译第二题) 劈树:本句中有两处谓语成分:“have drawn” 和“should continue”,故全句可切分为两个分句。 第一分句为:but we have at least drawn nearer the point of admitting; 第二分句为:that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us; 造竹:第一分句为主句,第二分句为动名词“admitting”的宾语从句。而“regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us”是介词短语做第二分句的让步状语成份,应该翻译在第二分句之首 。 难词(词组)及在句中的含义: draw near (近乎,接近) 第一分句:but we have at least drawn nearer the point of admitting; “draw near”的含义为“近乎,接近”; “the point of admitting”的含义为“承认的地步”; 第一分句翻译为:但是我们至少已经近乎承认; 第二分句:that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us; “as a matter of… ”的含义为“作为…的缘故”; “intrinsic right”的含义为“内在的、与生俱来的权利”; “regardless of ”为固定搭配词组,含意为“不考虑、不管、不顾”,如“regardless of the consequences”不顾后果; “presence or absence”的含义为“存在或不存在;有或没有;是否具有”; 第二分句翻译为:不管鸟类相对于我们人类是否具有经济价值,它们都应该因其自身内在权利的缘故而继续存在; 原文回顾: but we have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us. 全句翻译为:但是我们至少已经近乎承认不管鸟类相对于我们人类是否具有经济价值,它们都应该因其自身内在权利的缘故而继续存在。 句式结构考点:宾语从句,让步状语 难度级别: 短语背诵: as a matter of regardless of ●明日预告 Time was when biologists somewhat overworked the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak, or that they prey only on “worthless” species.(2010翻译第三题) ●智慧点滴 There are three classes of men—lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, lovers of gain. 人有三类——爱智者,爱名者,爱财者