

2017-09-18    05'14''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

1712 69

#生活口语8000句#更新啦!同学们可以练习完私信欢姐免费纠音噢(微信565004385) ▲今天的口语句子文本如下↓ 状况4 道别 Saying Goodbye(2) 11. 我会给你发邮件!I’ll send you an E-mail! 12. 明天几点见面?What time shall we meet tomorrow? 13. 改天一起出去吃饭吧!Let’s meet up to eat another time. 14. 我真的得走了。I really must go. 15. 替我向你老公问好!Give my regards to your husband! 16. 你要注意身体!Look after yourself. 17. 和你聊天太愉快了。It has been great to chat with you. 18. 时间过得真快,都1点了,我得走了。Time has flown! It’s 1 o’clock, I must go. 19. 到家以后告诉我。Tell me when you get home. 20. 下次来中国,欢迎来我家。Next time you are in China, you are welcome to my home.
上一期: 考研长难句0918
下一期: 考研长难句0919