

2017-09-20    02'42''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

710 8

#海天考研每日一句长难句# Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.   劈树:本句只有一个谓语“has been viewed…as”,所以这是一个简单句。主干为“legal learning has been viewed …as the special preserve of lawyers ”,句首副词和句中介词短语均为句子状语成份。并含有一个由“rather than”所引导的比较状语成份。      造竹:“view...as...” 含义为“将…当作…,将...视为…   “in such institutions” 是指代上文中“in Canadian universities”,即指“在加拿大的大学里”;   “special preserve of lawyers” 是一个“A of B”的结构,译为“B的A”,即为“律师们的专门保留”,也就是“律师们的专门业务”;   “…rather than…”这个比较级结构的句型是否定后者而强调前者的,通常翻译为“是…,而不是…”;   其中“a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person” 按照“A of B of C” 的翻译方法可以翻译为“C的B的A”,“the intellectual equipment”取词“知识储备” ,其含义为“ 一个受到教育的人知识储备当中必不可少的一部分”;   “in such institutions” 作为状语成份往往翻译在其所属句型的主谓之间。   原文回顾:   Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.   全句翻译为:传统而言,法律学习在加拿大的大学里,视为律师们的专门业务,而不是一个受到教育的人知识储备当中必不可少的一部分 句式结构考点:副词状语、介词短语状语、比较状语结构的处理; 难度级别: