

2017-09-21    03'23''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

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海天考研每日作业 ●真题长难句 It gives a basis to all organization which seek to promote the learning and use of English, a basis for planning to meet the possibilities of what could be a very different operating environment. (2017翻译第五题) 劈树:本句有三个谓语部分,“gives”,“seek”,“could be”所以可切分为三个分句。 第一分句为: It gives a basis to all organization … , a basis for planning to meet the possibilities of; 第二分句为:which seek to promote the learning and use of English; 第三分句为:what could be a very different operating environment; 造竹:第一分句为主句,第二分句为“which”引导的定语从句,第三分句为“of”的宾语从句,同“of”构成了介宾结构。 难词(词组)及在句中的含义: basis (基础) 第一分句:It gives a basis to all organization … , a basis for planning to meet the possibilities of; “It gives a basis to all organization”可以翻译为“这为所有组织提供了基础”; “planning to meet the possibilities of...”的含义为“计划应对…的可能性”; “a basis for planning to meet the possibilities of”的含义为“这个基础用于计划应对…的可能性” 第一分句翻译为:这为所有组织提供了基础,这个基础用于计划应对…的可能性; 第二分句:which seek to promote the learning and use of English; “seek to do”含义为“寻求做”; “ learning and use of English”的含义为“英语学习与使用”; 第二分句翻译为:寻求促进英语学习与使用的; 第三分句:what could be a very different operating environment; “a very different operating environment”含义为“非常不同的操作环境”; 第三分句翻译为:可能非常不同的操作环境; 原文回顾: It gives a basis to all organization which seek to promote the learning and use of English, a basis for planning to meet the possibilities of what could be a very different operating environment. 全句翻译为:这为所有寻求促进英语学习与使用的组织提供了基础,这个基础用于计划应对可能非常不同的操作环境(的可能性)。 句式结构考点:定语从句;宾语从句 难度级别: 短语背诵: It gives a basis to seek to do to meet the possibilities of ●智慧点滴 Live up to the best that is in you: Live noble lives, as you all may, in whatever condition you may find yourselves. 活出最好的自己:过高尚的生活,无论在何种状况之下你都可以做到。