

2017-09-30    04'29''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

2157 82

#生活口语8000句#更新啦!同学们可以练习完私信欢姐免费纠音噢(微信565004385) ▲今天的口语句子文本如下↓ Chapter 3 Having a Chat 交谈、闲聊状况1 谈论天气 Chatting about the Weather 1. 今天热死了。Today it’s burning hot. 2. 明天天气怎么样?What’s the weather like tomorrow? 3. 好像要下雨。Looks like it will rain. 4. 明天有雨。Tomorrow will rain. 5. 风太大了。It’s too windy. 6. 希望雨明天能停。I hope the rain stops tomorrow. 7. 今天天气不错。The weather is pretty good today. 8. 北京冬天冷死了。The winter in Beijing is freezing cold. 9. 我喜欢春天,很暖和。I like springtime, it’s nice and warm. 10. 秋天的风很大。The wind blows hard in autumn .