

2017-10-01    12'34''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

342 10

At the Inquiry Desk在问询处Top Sentences典型例句1.I notice the amount of money is written in ordinary and capital form.我注意到金额有小写和大写两种形式。2.The purpose of capital form is for checking up and to guarantee the accuracy of the amount.大写的目的是为了核对及保证数字的准确性。3.Can I draw money on my account for payment of things I buy in China? 请问我是否可以取款支付我在中国买东西的费用?4.The detailed information is on the board. 详细情况在那块布告栏上。5.But don't you think there should be a note to us after the money is paid?但你不觉得应该在收费之后通知我们吗?6.I've taken the job not long and there are many things I'm not familiar with.我才接管这个工作不久,对许多情况还不熟悉。7.Would you please tell me what I should do to have funds transferred to me here from New York?请您告诉我,我应当怎样做才能从纽约把专款转账到我这里呢?8.I'm sure we have a correspondent relationship with your bank as we maintain a correspondent relationship with most of the large banks in New York.我们与您的银行有往来行关系,因为我们与纽约大多数大银行保持着往来行关系。9.Our bank has special provisions for apartment building loans of college students, which is no longer than 10 years.我行对高等院校学生公寓建设贷款有特别规定:最长不超过10年。10.It has the similar function with cash and is very convenient to carry and quite safe.它与现金功能相似,便于携带,而且安全性高。