

2017-10-02    12'17''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

204 5

Credit Card Business 信用卡业务Unit 1Inquiries about Credit Cards信用卡咨询Top Sentences典型例句1.It is a versatile card that links a lot of businesses.它是一种多用途卡,绑定了很多业务。2.You may either make deposits and withdrawals at any savings office make transfers and inquiries at any ATM with the card.您可以用这张卡在任何储蓄所存取款,也可在任何一台柜员机上转账和查询。3.how can I get the benefits from a personal credit card?个人信用卡有什么好处吗?4.You are relieved on the spot by using the credit borrowing function of peony Credit Card and obtain certain overdrafts.您可以利用牡丹信用卡的信用借款功能获取一定的透支便利,以解燃眉之急。5.Can I know more about your free purchase protection plan for VISA Card?你可否告诉我多一些关于维萨的免费购物保障计划?6.You should report the loss to our Card Centre immediately so that you will not be liable.你应及时向信用卡中心报失,这样便无须承担任何责任。7.May I withdraw some notes with my credit card?请问能用信用卡取现金吗?8.I'll deposit money to my credit card as soon as I get back. And I think I will have them changed into RMB.我一回去就把钱给补上。对了,我想把这笔钱兑换成人民币。9.If you have an annual income of more than 80,000 yuan, you can apply for a gold card.只要您的年收入达8万元以上就可以申请金卡。10.While you open the card, you should have a guarantor together with you to sign the form.在你开卡时你还要找一个担保人与你一同签署领卡协议。