DAY119 想吃点什么?

DAY119 想吃点什么?

2018-12-22    05'08''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

5457 37

DAY119 想吃点什么? Hi,大家好。今天我们讨论的topic是什么呢?What are you in the mood for? 和情绪有关吗? This is different from asking, "what kind of food do you like?" Maybe pizza is your favorite food, but you don't want it tonight because you already had it for lunch. What are you in the mood for means, "What kind of food do you want tonight?" 哦,原来是在问“你想吃什么”!但又不同于“what kind of food do you like?”也许Pizza是你最爱吃的,但今晚却不想吃了,因为午餐吃的就是Pizza.而“What are you in the mood for”是“你今晚想吃什么”? What are you in the mood for? What are you in the mood for? WORDS 单词注解  mood [mu:d] n. 心情,心境,情绪 different from 与……相同 favorite [ˈfeivərit] a. 特别喜爱的 打卡规则 #跟着欢姐学美语#第()天 我的收获: 最后,附上您的单词和句子的录音 4.5-12岁的小朋友可以找欢姐免费领取一节外教体验课噢 免费英语加油站小程序,里头有大量适合孩子英语学习的单词,自然拼读,儿歌和英语视频。每天打卡挣星星,可以兑换课时、绘本、乐高积木和iphone噢。私信欢姐领取小程序噢 号外:欢姐在招jianzhi,全国各地的小伙伴都行,只要有幼儿小学生资源行,月入2千~4千。