8 饮料日常生活中总少不了要喝点酒,不喜欢或不能喝酒的人则可以来点soft drink,再不然就喝点tea……总之都能选到自己喜欢的“drink”。
Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one's health a world of good.
★ occasionally[əˈkeiʒənəli]ad.有时候,偶尔
● a world of“极大的,极多的”
Too much tea will brown your teeth, but it's good for your health.
要加冰吗?Do you want some ice in your drink?
〇 I'd like it on the rocks.我想在酒里放些冰块。
〇 I'd like a soda, no ice.我要一杯汽水,不要冰。
在大热天没有什么能像冰饮料那样让人神清气爽。Nothing is as refreshing as ice-cold drinks on a hot day.
★ refreshing[riˈfreʃiŋ]a.提神的,凉爽的
没有咖啡,我早上就起不了床。Without a coffee, I can never get up in the morning.
除非你完全清醒了,我才会让你开车。I'm not letting you get behind the wheel until you've sobered up.
● sober up“(使)酒醒或清醒”
■“get behind the wheel”中的“wheel”是指汽车的“方向盘”。因此,这句话的意思就是“开车”(坐在方向盘后面)。
我已经喝了两三瓶啤酒了。I've had a couple of beers.
〇 I can't drink any more.我不能再喝了。
你想喝冰茶吗?Do you want some iced tea?
● iced tea“冰茶”请加一点点糖。Please add a little sugar.
〇 No sugar, please.请不要放糖。
我的胃受不了冷议。Cold drinks don't agree with my stomach.
★ stomach[ˈstʌmək]n.胃,胃部
● agree with“适合(某人的身体或胃口)”越凉越好。The cooler,the better.
〇 The hotter, the better.越热越好。又开胃又可口。It's appetizing and tasty.
★ appetizing[ˈæpitaiziŋ]a.开胃的,引起食欲的★ tasty[ˈteisti]a.可口的,美味的