

2018-11-27    09'36''

主播: 《学生英语报》小学版

2406 4

一、听单词,选出听到的选项。读三遍。 1. light 2. math 3. strong 4. phone 5. chicken 二、听句子,根据听到的句子的顺序给下面的句子排序。读三遍。 1. Would you like a folk and knife? 2. Where is my schoolbag? 3. Jerry is tall and strong. 4. Are they in the study? 5. Put your English book in your desk. 三、听句子,选择听到的句子。读三遍。 1. Pass me a plate and a pair of chopsticks, please. 2. I can see a hamburger on the desk. 3. I’d like some eggs for breakfast. 4. My friend is a basketball player. 5. I have four books. 四、听句子,补全下面句子中所缺的单词。读三遍。 1. My jeans are long. 2. Welcome to my new classroom. 3. Open the door, please. 4. I like noodles very much. 5. I’m going to be a doctor.