

2020-11-02    08'37''

主播: 《学生英语报》小学版

8297 6

一、听单词,选出正确的选项并将其标号写在括号里。读两遍。 1. blackboard 2. chopsticks 3. fridge 4. lost 5. noodles 二、听句子,判断下面句子的正误。如果正确,在括号里打“√”;如果错误,在括号里打“×”。读两遍。 1. Let’s clean the floor. 2. My friend is friendly. 3. The keys are on the sofa. 4. I’d like a knife and fork. 5. My father is a basketball player. 三、听句子,在横线上填入所缺的单词。读两遍。 1. This is my new ruler. 2. My uncle is a teacher. 3. It’s 7:00 in the morning. Let’s go to school now. 4. I can see a notebook under the chair. 5. Would you like some fish, please? 四、听句子或对话,根据所听内容给下面的图片排序。读三遍。 1. M: Put your schoolbag near your toy, please. W: OK. 2. M: Pass me the knife and fork, please. W: OK. 3. M: Look! This is the kitchen. 4. W: My sister has long hair. 5. M: Who’s this man? W: He’s my uncle.