

2020-11-02    09'41''

主播: 《学生英语报》小学版

6571 3

一、听句子,选择所听到的选项。读三遍。 1. Look at his plate. 2. The fan is nice. 3. Where’s the rice? 4. She has a big notebook. 5. I have a new bed. 二、听对话,在横线上填入所缺的单词。读三遍。 —I can’t find my keys. —Are they in the door? —No, they aren’t. —Are they on the fridge? —No, they aren’t. —Are they near the sofa? —Yes, they are. Let me put them in my schoolbag. 三、听句子,判断下面的句子与所听内容是否相符。如果相符,在括号里打“√”;如果不符,在括号里打“×”。 1. I’d like a knife and a spoon. 2. Let’s clean the window. 3. Where are my shoes? 4. My mother is a volleyball player. 5. My friend is tall and strong. 四、听句子或对话,将相关联的内容连线。读三遍。 1. Hello, I’m Chen Jie. I have a red schoolbag. 2. Hi, I’m Mike. They’re my parents and my baby brother. 3. W: Please clean the fish bowl, Wu Yifan. M: OK. 4. W: Let’s go to the bedroom, John. M: OK. 5. W: Would you like a knife, Zhang Peng? M: Yes, please.