

2020-11-02    07'49''

主播: 《学生英语报》小学版

3888 2

一、听句子,选出所听到的单词或短语并将其标号写在括号里。读两遍。 1. What is Ken’s hobby? 2. I usually come to school on foot. 3. My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. 4. My mother is a head teacher. 5. You should take a deep breath and count to ten. 二、听句子,判断下面的内容是否相符。如果相符,在括号里打“√”;如果不符,在括号里打“×”。读两遍。 1. They’re afraid of him. 2. He likes reading stories. 3. Don’t be sad. 4. You should see a doctor. 5. Does he like doing word puzzles? 三、听对话,填入所缺的单词。读三遍。 1. G: How do you go to school? B: I go to school by subway. 2. G: Where is the museum, please? B: It’s next to the supermarket. 3. G: What are you going to do tomorrow? B: I’m going to buy a comic book. 4. G: What’s your hobby? B: I like reading stories. 5. G: What does he do? B: He’s a businessman.