

2021-02-03    11'05''

主播: 《学生英语报》小学版

8432 5

一、听句子,选择正确的答语,将其标号写在括号里。读三遍。 1. What do you do on the weekend? 2. When do you have a Chinese class? 3. What is your favorite season? 4. When is the singing contest? 5. We will go to the Great Wall in November. 二、听句子,将相关联的内容用线连起来。读三遍。 1. Kate’s birthday is in October. 2. Eddie can go swimming in summer. 3. Betty usually plays sports after school. 4. Ben’s favorite season is winter. 5. May often cleans her room on the weekend. 三、听对话,判断下面句子的正误。如果正确,在括号里打“√”;如果错误,在括号里打“×”。读三遍。 1. —When do you have a math class, Joe? —I have a math class at nine ten in the morning. 2. —Hello, Lily. What do you do on the weekend? —I often wash my clothes. Sometimes I cook dinner. 3. —What is your favorite season, Ben? —Spring. It is a very beautiful season. 4. —Why do you like winter, Lucy? —Because I can make a snowman. 5. —When is the sports meet this year? —It is in June. 四、听短文,填入所缺的单词。读三遍。 My name is Ben. My birthday is in November. I like spring very much. I can go on a picnic in this season. I usually go shopping with my mother on the weekend. In the evening, I often go for a walk with my grandpa in the park near my house.