

2021-03-07    09'07''

主播: 《学生英语报》小学版

4567 2

一、听句子,根据所听内容选出你所听到的单词或短语,将其标号写在括号里。读两遍。 1. The film is amazing. 2. I’m going to draw cartoons tonight. 3. My aunt is a secretary. 4. The sun is getting lower and lower. 5. My father went fishing the day before yesterday. 二、听对话,根据所听内容,判断下面各图与录音是否相符。如果相符,在括号里打“√”;如果不符,在括号里打“×”。读两遍。 1. M: How did your father go to Shanghai, Kate? W: By train. 2. W: Where are you going tomorrow? M: I’m going to the supermarket with my family. 3. M: What’s your hobby? W: I like studying Chinese. 4. M: Is your mother taller than your father? W: No, she isn’t. 5. M: What could Bob do five years ago? W: He could ride a horse. 三、听句子,根据所听到的问句选出正确的答语,将其标号写在括号里。读三遍。 1. Where is the library? 2. How does Ben come to school? 3. What are your hobbies? 4. What size are Ben’s shoes? 5. Lucy’s mother often goes to Dalian by plane. 四、听短文,根据短文内容补全下面的表格。读三遍。 Joe has a happy family. There are three people in his family. Mr Brown is Joe’s father. He’s a postman. Joe’s mother, Mrs Brown is a factory worker. Joe is a coach. It was Sunday yesterday. Joe and his family were very busy. Mr Brown went fishing on a farm. Mrs Brown cleaned the house at home. Joe went camping with his friends.