

2021-04-21    07'16''

主播: 《学生英语报》小学版

4244 4

一、听句子,从括号中选出听到的选项,将其标号写在括号里。读两遍。 1. I always go to school at seven forty in the morning. 2. Look at my new skirt. It is pink. 3. We have a Chinese test next week. 4. These carrots are ours. 5. My brother is cleaning his room now. 二、听句子,将相关联的内容用线连起来。读两遍。 1. Jane’s birthday is on May 6th. 2. David is eating a hamburger now. 3. Alice often has dinner with her family at seven o’clock in the evening. 4. Please keep your desk clean, Betty. 5. Peter usually goes swimming on the weekend. 三、听句子或对话,填入所缺的单词。读三遍。 1. —What do you do on the weekend? —I often take a dancing class. 2. Lily’s birthday is on April 5th. 3. —Which season do you like best? —Summer. 4. —Is this toy car yours, Tina? —No, it isn’t. It is hers. 5. —Keep to the right, Sally. —OK.