G 9 帆  莱蒙托夫

G 9 帆 莱蒙托夫

2017-07-02    02'33''

主播: 地瓜807🍓

63 1

The Sail 帆 ——Mikhail Lermontov ——米哈依尔`莱蒙托夫 The sail is whitening alone 在那大海上淡蓝色的云雾里 In blue obscurity of sea: 有一片孤帆在闪耀着白光…… What did it leave in country own? 它寻求什么,在遥远的异地? What does it want so far to see. 它抛下什么,在可爱的故乡? The wind is strong, the mast is creaking, 波涛在汹涌——海风在呼啸, The wave is playing with the wave ... 桅杆在弓起了腰轧轧作响…… But not a fortune is it seeking, 唉!它不是在寻求什么幸福 Nor from this fortune is its way. 也不是逃避幸福而奔向他方! By it a stream is bright as azure, 下面是比蓝天还清澄的碧波 By beams of sun it&`&s warmed and blessed 上面是金黄而灿烂的阳光…… But it is seeking gales as treasure, 而它,不安地,在祈求风暴, As if the tempests give a rest. 仿佛是在风暴中才有着安详!