In my opinion

In my opinion

2019-03-29    02'27''

主播: 语言协会

116 1

In my opinion. 在我看来 In my opinion,you did the right thing. 在我看来,你做的很对。 In my opinion,your job is challenging. 在我看来,你的工作很具有挑战性。 In my opinion,Mike is the most handsome boy in the school. 在我看来,麦克是学校里最帅的男生, A:Hey,Mary,wanna have a drink? 嗨玛丽,来喝一杯吗? B:No,thank you. 不了,谢谢。 A:Come on,let's have some fun. 别这样,让我们愉快点。 B:In my opinion,drinking too much will do harm to one's body. 在我看来,喝太多对一个人的身体不好。
上一期: Forgive me for
下一期: That's the last straw(1)