When will it be convenient for you to…

When will it be convenient for you to…

2019-04-12    02'57''

主播: 语言协会

125 2

When will it be convenient for you to.... 你看什么时候方便.... When will it be convenient for you to arrange an interview for me? 你什么时候方便为我安排场面试。 When will it be convenient for you to take back your umbrella? 你什么时候方便取回你的伞? A:When will it be convenient for me to come to your home? 什么时候方便去你家? B:Maybe a year later. 也许一年以后。 A:Why?we have been friends for two years,but I still can't visit your parents. 为什么?我们已经是两年的朋友了,但是仍然不能拜访你的父母。 B:Come on,be patient,you will visit my parents sooner or later. 耐心点,你迟早会拜访我的父母的。