I'd hate for you to…

I'd hate for you to…

2019-04-19    02'36''

主播: 语言协会

183 2

I'd hate for you to.. 我不愿意你... I'd hate for you to leave our company. 我不愿意你离开我们的公司。 I'd hate for you to miss the party. 我不愿意你错过这次晚会。 I'd hate for you to get sick. 我不愿意你生病。 A:Do you have the five dollars I lent you yesterday? 你带了我昨天借你的5块钱吗? B:Oh,I forgot!I'll run home real quickly and bring you the money. 奥,我忘了,我会很快跑回去拿给你的。 A:You don't have to go right away. 你不必现在就去。 B:I'd hate for you to think I was lazy in returning your money. 我不想你认为我懒得还你钱。