Sweet and Lonely(《记忆神探》2.13片尾曲)

Sweet and Lonely(《记忆神探》2.13片尾曲)

2018-02-23    01'39''

主播: 跳跳💕最爱UU了

507 2

《记忆神探》第二季 13集 原创片尾曲 “This song's for Tommy. And for all of us.” I loved you 我爱你 My sweet and lonely stranger of a friend 我亲爱的 孤独的 却如陌路人的朋友 Held you but couldn't share your soul 我能握住你的手 却难以触及你的灵魂 And if the time should come again for kissing in the hall 如果时光可以倒流 再次在大厅里接吻 Meet me like we never left at all 我们相遇 仿佛未曾分开一样 So goodbye 再见了 Sweet and lonely 我亲爱的 孤独的朋友们 Things are not the same 现以时过境迁 I have loved you 但我曾爱过你们 But affection's bound to change 虽然爱定会流逝 Don't cry sweet and lonely 不必哭 我亲爱的 孤独的朋友 Things are not the same 现以时过境迁 I have loved you 但我曾爱过你们 But affection's bound to change 虽然爱也定会流逝 (Thank you) Boats sail slowly by the dock and out to sea 船儿驶过码头 漂向大海 Never stop to think of what's untrue 却从未停止 对虚幻世界的思索 You and I played a little games that never seemed to end 我俩玩着小游戏 仿佛永不结束 Never seemed to know what we've been through 对我们的经历 似乎一无所知 Goodbye sweet and lonely 再见了 我亲爱的 孤独的朋友们 Things are not the same 现以时过境迁