【Read Aloud】到底要如何念,重音到底是什么?

【Read Aloud】到底要如何念,重音到底是什么?

2017-08-21    14'08''

主播: 飞凡英语

5119 218

单词本身注意重音位置,发音铿锵有力 (女生尤其注意) 用断句来分意群,意群尽量一口气读完,突出内容词汇,自然地 预读直接进入朗读状态,提前确定something替换的生词 自然叙述方式的朗读,带出文章含义 控制语速,眼睛看的比嘴快,语速取决于眼睛扫读速度 One of the major factors influencing future home design/ will be the probable change in climate, /with hotter summers, /colder winters /and the possibility of floods./ Consequently, /houses will be built with better insulation /and will also need ways of keeping cool in hot weather, /whether that's air conditioning/ or more shading of windows.