

2018-01-16    09'01''

主播: 英语101

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成龙奥斯卡终身成就奖获奖演讲双语版 Academy award 学院奖。(全名学院功绩奖,通称奥斯卡金像奖、奥斯卡奖或奥斯卡) I still can’t believe I’m standing here. 我至今都不相信自己站在了这里。 It’s a dream. 就像在做梦一般。 Long time ago, every year when I watch Oscar with my dad sometimes with my Mum, my dad always said, “Son, you get so many movie awards in the world, when will you get one of this.” 很多年前,我和爸爸每年都会一起看奥斯卡颁奖,有时也会和我妈妈一起。我的爸爸总会说,“儿子啊,你拿了这么多电影奖,什么时候才拿得到这一个啊。” Then I just looked at my dad, “hahaha,dad I only make comedy action movies.” 然后我会看着我爸爸,笑着说,“爸爸,我拍的可是动作喜剧片。” Many years later, I come to Hollywood,meeting with some big studio, director, my friend’s house, Stallone’s house. 很多年后,我来了好莱坞,见到很多大工作室,大导演,去了朋友的家里,史泰龙的家里。 That was 23 years ago. I see these little things in his house. I touch them. I kiss them. I smell them. 那是23年前,我在他的家里看到这些小金像。我又摸又亲,还闻着味道。 I believe still have my fingerprintsin. 我觉得上面现在还有我的指纹。 You keep it. Then I talked to myself,“I really want one.” 你一定还留着。然后我就对自己说,“我真的想要一个。” Finally, Shirley calls. I said, “Areyou sure?” 最后顾方打电话给我。我问她说“你确定吗?” After 56 years film industry, making more than 200 films. I break so many bones. Finally, this is mine. 在从影56年,制作超过200部电影,摔断很多根骨头之后,终于,我拿到了这个奖。 I want to thank you, Hong Kong, incredible city, my hometown; myhome, who made me, China, my country; proud to be Chinese. 我要感谢你,香港,一个了不起的城市,我的家乡;还要感谢那个成就了我的祖国——中国。我以作为中国人而自豪。 Thank you Hollywood, for all those years teaching me so many things. And also, make me a little bit famous. 感谢好莱坞在这些年来教给我这么多东西;而且,它让我也小有名气。 And, I thank you my, my family, my wife Joan, my son Jaycee, especial Jackie Chan Stunt Team. This year is the Jackie Chan Stunt Team 40-year anniversary. 同样,我要感谢你们——我的家人,我的妻子凤娇和儿子祖名,尤其感谢我的团队成家班。今年是成家班的40周年纪念。 And, all the friends. Thank you, thankyou, from the bottom of my heart. 还有,我要感谢所有朋友。真的很感谢你们,由衷地感谢。 And, ladies and gentlemen, and also, distinguished guests, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Thankyou, thank you, thank you 我还要感谢现场所有女士们先生们,各位尊敬的来宾,美国电影艺术与科学学院。谢谢,谢谢,谢谢你们。 I want to thank you, who should I thank you? I forget. 我还要感谢,感谢谁呢?我忘了。 I still have some dialogue, I forget, what I say, should I say. I don’t know. 我的演讲稿还有些没说,但我忘了我要说什么。不知道了。 I just... It’s honored to be here... It’s my honor. Thank you. 我……很荣幸能够站在这里。这是我的荣幸。谢谢大家。 Last not least, millions thanks to all my friends, fans, around the world. Because of you, I have a reason, continue to make movies, jumping off windows, kicking and punching, breaking my bone. 最后还有个很重要的,我要感谢我来自世界各地的粉丝朋友。因为你们,我才有动力继续拍电影,继续表演跳窗、踢腿以及拳击,甚至不惜骨折! Thank you so much! Thank you Oscars! Thank you! 非常感谢大家!感谢奥斯卡!谢谢!