

2018-01-17    19'29''

主播: 英语101

9744 463

I’m really happy to be here. Today is about celebration. And you have so much to be proud of. As you leave here to start the next leg of your journey in life, there will be days where you ask yourself, ‘Where is this all going?’ ‘What is the purpose?’ ‘What is my purpose?’ I will be honest, I asked myself that same question and it took nearly 15 years to answer it. Maybe by talking about my journey today, I can save you some time. 能够出席你们的毕业典礼,我由衷地感到高兴。今天是一个值得庆祝的日子,你们有许多值得骄傲的成就。当你离开这里,开启人生下一个篇章时,你会扪心自问,“下一步发展方向是什么?”、“目标是什么”、“自己的目标又是什么”。老实说,我问过自己相同的问题,花了近15年时间才找到答案。今天,通过分享我的人生旅程,我或许能够帮助你们节省一些寻找答案的时间。 The struggle for me started early on. In high school, I thought I discovered my life’s purpose when I could answer that age-old question, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ Nope. In college I thought I’d discover it when I could answer, ‘What’s your major?’ Not quite. I thought that maybe I’d discovered it when I found a good job. Then I thought I just needed to get a few promotions. That didn’t work either. 我的困惑很早就已经出现。上高中时,当我以为能够回答那个老生常谈的问题:你长大了想做什么时,我就找到了自己的人生目标。但其实不然。上大学时,我曾以为自己知道想学什么专业就找到了目标。也不完全如此。在我找到一份好工作,认为自己只需要几次晋升后,我又有了这样的想法,但都不对。 After countless twists and turns(一波三折), at last, 20 years ago, my search brought me to Apple. Before that moment, I had never met a leader with such passion or encountered(遇见,邂逅) a company with such a clear and compelling(强有力的) purpose: to serve humanity. It was just that simple. Serve humanity. And it was in that moment, after 15 years of searching, something clicked(突然明白). I finally felt aligned(找到了组织). Aligned with a company that brought together challenging, cutting edge(最尖端的) work with a higher purpose. Aligned with a leader who believed that technology which didn’t exist yet could reinvent(彻底改造)tomorrow’s world. Aligned with myself and my own deep need to serve something greater. 在加入苹果之前,我从未遇到过这么有激情的领导者,也没有碰到过一家公司有如此清晰并且难以抗拒的目标:为人类服务。就这么简单——为全人类服务。就在那一刻,经过了15年的苦苦搜寻后,我恍然大悟。我终于找到了人生方向,那就是与一家把更高目标与具有挑战性、前沿工作融合在一起的公司共同奋斗,与一位相信新技术会改变未来世界的领导者并肩作战,追随自己的内心让世界变得更美好。 Of course, at that moment I don’t know all of that. I was just grateful to have psychological burden lifted. But with the help of hindsight, my breakthrough makes a lot more sense. I was never going to find my purpose working some place without a clear sense of purpose of its own. Steve and Apple freed me to throw my whole self into my work, to embrace their mission and make it my own. How can I serve humanity? This is life’s biggest and most important question. When you work towards something greater than yourself, you find meaning, you find purpose. So the question I hope you will carry forward from here is how will you serve humanity? 当然,那时的我还没有领悟一切,只是对移除这个心理负担感到高兴。但是回过头来看,一切变得明朗。如果我供职的公司没有一个清晰的目标,那么我也就不会找到自己的目标。乔布斯和苹果解放了我,让我全身心投入工作中,拥抱他们的使命,并把它当成我的使命。我该如何服务于人性?这是我一生中最大的一个课题,也是最重要的一个。当你向着一个比自身更有价值的目标奋斗时,你就会从中找到意义,找到目标。因此,我希望你们今天能够带上这个问题:该如何服务于人类? The good news is since you are here today you are on a great track. At MIT you have learned how much power that science and technology have to change the world for the better. Thanks to discoveries made right here, billions of people are leading healthier, more productive(富有成效的) and more fulfilling(令人感到满足的) lives. And if we’re ever going to solve some of the hardest problems facing the world today, everything from cancer to climate change to educational inequality(不平等), then technology will help us to do it. But technology alone isn’t the solution. And sometimes it’s even part of the problem. 好消息是,你们今天正处在一个非常好的发展轨道上。在麻省理工学院,你们已经了解到科技在推动世界发展上发挥了多大的作用。得益于在这里实现的发明成果,数十亿人的生活因此变得更健康,更具价值,也更有意义。如果我们要去解决当前世界面临的一些最为艰巨的挑战——从癌症、气候变化到教育不平等——科技会帮助我们实现这一目标。但是,科技本身不是解决问题的办法,有时甚至会演变成为问题的一部分。